Academic Credit Policy


RPL is available for all subjects offered by St. Clements University Myanmar College.

RPL is available on provision of verification at the beginning of a course.

If you know you are competent in any subject you are enrolled in, you can apply for RPL. Recognition is granted as a result of identifying and assessing your previous and current formal education and training and knowledge. Your previous learning and the evidence you supply are measured against pre-determined performance standards.

To prepare for recognition you should indicate your decision to apply for recognition as soon as possible after the induction and orientation program.

In consultation with your tutor you should:

• Obtain a copy of the RPL Procedure and Application Form.
• Decide which subject (s) are to be recognised
• Provide an Evidence Portfolio in line with and agreed evidence plan.
• Seek peer assessment
• Be prepared to 'show, tell and apply' your skill and knowledge.

Evidence for recognition of prior learning and/or current competencies may include:

• Evidence of current competence
• Performance, demonstration, or skills test
• Oral presentation
• Portfolio, logbook, task book, projects or assignments
• Written presentation
• Interview & questions
• Simulations

Clients seeking recognition are provided with:

• RPL Procedure and Application forms
• Performance criteria for competency learning outcomes
• Guidance on identifying, gathering and submitting evidence of your achievements
• Guidelines as to possible sources of evidence
• Self-assessment opportunities

Candidates should initially self assess against the performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence for each module.

RPL candidates must document their claim for competency in sufficient detail to enable the assessor to make clear judgments.

If you require further information please ask your tutor.